

Reefing newb
march17 2010 011.jpg

march17 2010 012.jpg

I hope the pictures work, I'm sorry they are not very good. We found this in the wet/dry section of our 29 biocube. We put it on a rock in the tank and it dropped down and attached to the bare bottom, which is why I had a really hard time getting a decent picture of it. If anyone can give me a clue, we would love to know what it is.
Why would it be bleached? And why does it seem to prefer to be on the bottom rather than on the rocks where it would be closer to the lights, don't they need that for food?
It's bleached because it needs food. When nems don't eat and don't have the proper requirement they will loose their color and now want to extend the tenticles much. Buy some frozen silversides and feed it a small piece at least once a week. Also, I see you've only had a tank for 2 weeks? That's speaks disaster to me for anemone's. They require super stable water params and usually a tank under 1yr is not sufficient....maybe 6months if you're lucky. If that ends up kicking the bucket it will release toxins into your water and kill everything.
We have had the tank for 2 weeks, but we got it from someone who had it up and running for 2 years. No one knew it was there, one day we found it hanging on the wall of the wet/dry section of our biocube. There is some live rock in that section so we are assuming it was on there. We moved it to a rock in the tank but it dropped down and attached to the bottom. Is that normal? Also our parameters are pretty good other than our PH being a little low(8.0) and we are adding buffer for that.
In that case I think you'll be ok since the tank is 2yrs old. The nem dropped down because it's the right place for it to be. They will wonder around the tank until it find a suitable spot to anchor its foot. As long as conditions remain right it will stay put. It will definitely need to be fed. You may notice that its mouth is kind of wide open and hanging out. That's because it's begging to be fed. Make sure to thaw off the silversides in some ro water prior to feeding.
Just put it near it's mouth and it will take over from there. Make sure it's not cut too big and it's completely thawed out and you'll be good.