

I belive I have a beaded annenomy. It lives on the sand bed and is still a baby. But I recently went into a cave like area. Does that mean that he dosent like the light
I think you should give it ample time to come out on its own, however if you have a large cave area with a smaller opening then it may no be able to find its way out on its own and will eventually die. I have had this happen before. Sometimes they move around in the current and settle in a cave area because that's where they are "blown." In my cave area there is light coming from above through cracks but the anemone can't get through, confusing the poor thing. It tried to get out but couldn't fit through the cracks. I agree it is best not to mess with them but sometimes it is necessary. Just keep an eye on it. It it starts shrinking in size you may need to take some action. Again JMO.
ok, i can't take it anymore. :11:

ANEMONE uh-nem-a-knee

There. I said it. :mrgreen:

oh ya, and what everyone else said. Leave it be unless it looks like it's dying. Then get it the hell out asap.