another one gone..

Yea I'm worried about the moisture too Sarah. I'm not very good at DIY projects. Are there screens premade for sale? Could I buy a reptile screen for it or is it not water safe?
You can buy a cheap window screen at home depot that should fit, then you cut out that screen (cause they treat it with chemicals, thanks little fish) and you stick your screen in there, I ordered mine from BRS. The other half of my tank has a piece of plexiglass that my husband cut to fit.
I'm not sure about the reptile screen, that is a good idea though, I mean, why would that have chemicals on it?
Yea and the reptile screen would already fit perfectly. I just wanna get something already made lol. I don't have a lot of patience when it comes to projects like that.
That's why my husband did plexiglass on that side...He had 2 screens all ready 1 for each side of the tank then couldn't figure out how he was going to make that work with the skimmer. So he just cut some notches in some plexiglass.