Another shot


Seahorse Whisperer
This time I read how to post your image:D
This shot was so easy! You guys can do this. My camera was set on full automatic and no macro! Any auto camera can do this. Here's the steps:

1. Take photo at night or in a room with no windows or lights.

2. Turn OFF your tank lights. I have two tiny led moon lights that were on, that's how my background was lit.

3. Get a lamp with a regular bulb, not florescent- the good old fashioned normal bulbs that give off a little warmth.

4. Put the lamp on the side of your tank if you are shooting through the front and the front of the tank if you are shooting on the side, put it about 15 feet away and take the lamp shade off.

5. Put your camera on a tripod or a small table, stack of books, or whatever to keep it STILL!

6. Get a regular flashlight, no special bulbs, just a regular light and if your batteries are a bit old and your light is a bit dim that's all the better.

7. hold the flashlight at an angle. You'll get some glare on your tank but you can crop this out later.

8. Take a million photos, one of them will be good!


Post your results and I'll troubleshoot for you.
NO FLASH!!!!!! Flash is evil! Flash is evil, flash is evil, flash is evil...... If you can't turn your flash off on your camera, hold a piece of cardboard over your flash and in front of the subject, that's what we photographers call a GoBo- go between. That will keep the evil flash off your shot! NO FLASH!!!!!

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The natural colors are there because that's the real color of the coral! Flash and florescent light hides these colors. On the camera flashes are the absolute worst type of lighting a photographer can use. If you pay attention to your angles you should be able to use available lighting for most of your shots. Yote, post your bad shots and I'll help you figure out what to do different next time.
