

Reefing newb
Hello everyone,

This is my first time at your site. I have been the keep of our elementary school 180 reef tank for seven years. It has been a long process of learning by making many mistakes. We have finally gotten to the point at which we have a nice looking tank etc.

A couple of years ago I had a major problem with Majano (spelling?) and Aptasia. The only thing I found that really works is Aptasia X...it of course requires persistance and depending on the infestation will require several bottles but the effort is worth it.

I look forward to being part of your group and learning form each of you.


Alex O'Dell
Welcome to the site. To help with the apstasia, you can always throw in some peppermint shrimp. They are 50/50 on eating them, so get a few. They wont eat majano though, so if you still have those, you will still need to dose with the apstasia-X.
Hello and welcome to the site! I had majanos take over my 240. Between them and the kenya weeds, they killed nearly every coral I had. I too have found that Aiptasia X works really well on pest anemones. I look through my tank about once a week and zap any I see. It only takes a minute.