Aquarium Question


Reefing newb
Well I've been watching craigslist like a hawk the past 3 weeks looking for deals and have found a couple. I have some equipment but no tank yet. I've decided on getting a 75g to start with. One question I have is should I go with a reef ready tank or not. Reef ready just means its drilled (with overflow) right? My LFS (who only specializes in SW life) has a 75g up and running that is reef ready but it has a big black baffle (?) in the back corner with the overflow inside. I really like the tank but I hate the overflow and baffle. It takes up way too much space for my liking and takes away valuable real estate.

Is this something that I should just 'get over' or should i get a more traditional tank? My initial setup is going to be a FOWLR I think since I'm just starting to learn the hobby, however, I will transition into corals relatively soon. I want to do everything right and this has me hung up a bit.


Edit: I just realized this should be in the "Fish Tanks" forum... :(
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Get over it. :) Reef ready tanks have built in overflows -- you can't avoid that. They are much nicer looking and easier to maintain than the alternative to a non-reef ready tank -- which use overflow boxes that hang off the back or side of the tank. If you don't want a sump, then you can buy a regular tank that is not drilled and doesn't have an overflow. But using a sump is highly recommended whether you are doing a reef tank or a fish-only tank.
Ya I figured I needed to get over it haha. I forgot to mention I'll have a 38g sump. I'm designing that right now actually. What you said makes sense though. I hadn't thought of the easy of cleaning/maintaining. I was just a little put off by the lost space (I'm stubborn when I get a picture in my head :)).
Most people aquascape around the overflows. You can stack rock up against them to hide them better. Also, if the back of the tank isn't painted, painting it black really helps to hide them. Then they just blend in to the background.
Ya i guess I'll do that to help cover it up a bit. I just found one (75g) at my LFS for $200 (reef ready). Is that a good price or should I keep looking? I'm hesitant on getting a tank on CL just in case of leaks and/or other problems.