Bacterial Loss?


I am in the middle of Hyposalinity Treatment with my current stock, and this question crossed my mind.

How much loss of my bacterial colony can I expect over a 60 day period?

The concern is I have 5 fish in QT, and have been there for 31 days. I plan on keeping them in QT for the next 3.5 weeks.
I know that you need to add fish slowly in ordor for the system to keep up/catch up to the bioload.

So, when the QT period is over and I add all the stock back to the DT I fear it may be too much at one time.

Is this a legitimate concern?
You should be fine.
The typical saltwater tank contains an assortment of nitrosomona and nitrobacter and they have a range of salinity tolerances.
Some can tolerate very high salinity, some can tolerate very low salinity.
Some are even non-specific to salinity and thrive in terrestrial soil given sufficient moisture.
If it were me, I would probably still stagger it a bit. I'd do two and then the other three a few weeks later. Never hurts to take your time. Better safe than sorry :)
Ugh! Disregard my previous answer.
I misunderstood your question LOL.

I thought you were asking if hypo-salinity would cause bacterial loss. :)