Blindloser1080's 45G reef tank build

I just got Aquarium Corals by Borneman the other day in the mail, and am reading that. Should be ready for that leather in a few short weeks! Thanks again!
Alrighty, did my 1st tests today with 2 new test kits. (Don't know if it makes a difference, but I have been using Reef Crystals for my water changes as of recent)

Calcium: 450

dKH: 12

What kind of target numbers should I be looking for? (I still need the magnesium test)

Am hoping to be ready for corals within the next few weeks! :)
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Those are some pretty good numbers.:D
Keep your calcium between 400 and 450.
alkalinity 9 to 12 DKH
Magnesium around 1350