Broke my skimmer - HELP


Reefing newb
I was doing some maintance on my Coralife Super Skimmer 125 and broke the impeller shaft!!:frustrat: Has anyone else done this?? From what I have found online, I have to buy the whole impeller and can't just buy the shaft. Any quick ideas would be appreciated.
or a craft store might have pieces of stock plastic that might be the same thickness of the shaft and cut it to lenght
If you have a hobby store near you, take the piece with you and get a carbon fiber rod that's the same diameter. Then just cut it to length.
This same thing happened to me on one of my Quiet One shafts. I tried everything to get it fixed. No luck. Wish I could suggest something. I was able to buy just the shaft. Good luck with it.
I tried the super glue, but it didn't last. I'll see if the hobby shop idea will work. I'm sure there is one around somewhere!! Thanks for all the ideas.