brown algae problem help!!


Reefing newb
hey guys my tank is a new tank went thorugh full cycle and now i have this algae problem. first let me give the perams first

pho-0.50 (i do my top off with distilled water i buy from the store)

now i believe the problem came from me over feeding (pellet food) but that was over two weeks ago and now i have changed my feeding to ever other day (and now i feed frozen food only) i currently have two clowns and and a yellow tang 28g sump with skimmer and refugium with chaeto

also started vodka dosing this week now dose 1.4ml every day (no change in preams)
i have a 75g tank.

please help
Most likely diatoms.If that IS the case,they'll go away on their own and are a natural part of a new tank.
But post a pic if you can just to make sure.
yes do so i can see if that is the same small browns i see in my tank.

i also get just a few small hints of green on my glass too
yes do so i can see if that is the same small browns i see in my tank.

i also get just a few small hints of green on my glass too

If those of green is kinda dusty looking when you wipe it off,it's phytoplankton.Something that'll always be present in the tank as long as there is light available.
Pretty much.Just keep up with the water changes and use good quality water.
Keep it wiped off the glass too.When phyto is in the water,the pods will use it as a food supply and will in turn breed providing your tank with zooplankton for the corals to feed on.:D
here are the pics


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