Buying Live Rock


Reefing newb
I found a fish store about a half hour away that sells live rock for about $8.00 a pound. My question is do I have to cure it if I am buying it from a local place? Also if I do have to cure it I can do so in the new tank I bought right? Thanks guys.

if you transport the rock out of water you will probably have a little cycle. and yes its ok to cycle the rock in your new tank as long as there is nothing in it.
Should I wait until I receive the filter before putting the rock and sand in the tank or is it ok for it so sit in there for a couple of days without the filter?
If you don't have any animals in your tank, it's fine to add the rock straight to it. Bring some newspaper with you when you buy the rock, and transport the rock covered in wet newspaper. That will help reduce any die off.
Better yet,take a cooler with you.Put the rock in the cooler,add water to almost cover the rock,then place the newspaper on top of that.
At the store I help at,we bag live rock the same as fish and coral.Enough water in the bag to keep the rock wet.