Changing Tanks


Reefing newb
I want to change my stable happy saltwater aquarium with live rock, invertebrates and fish from a 40 gallon tank to a 55 gallon tank. How would you approach this? I would like to do this move and keep the aquarium stable. Is it possible?:sfish:
Anything is possible. get some buckets to put the animals in. drain off some aquarium water into the buckets and the rest into a container. move your substrait, rocks and equipement to the new tank, put the old water back in and complete the top off with preseasoned salt water. turn every thing on and let the system clear. put your animals back in by acclimating as you would if they just came from the pet store. no garuntees on no losses, anything can go wrong. maybe others will weight in here also. good luck.
i did my move all in 5 hours. from a 55 to a 120. but since i need more water on the new tank, did add fresh water evryday unitll i fill my new tank and the fuge then i run my skimmer and return pump. while waiting for my tank to get filled i have 3 pumps, heater on the main tank and of corse the lights. i did all this in 4 days. so far no loss been a month. here's a link to my thread hope it helps.
I don't have a protein skimmer. My 40 has done great without it but do I need one???? The larger tank has an excellent filter system, better than the 40 but it also does not have a skimmer. The first adventure is take the freshwater out of the bigger tank that I inherited. Do I need to clean freshwater tank super good???????? Can I use some of the stuff the freshwater fish used??????? Sorry for all the questions. PS Kimoy Gorgeous tank. I want a 120 gallon, I still have to learn about reef tanks. My tank is fish but it has tons of live rock.
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