chromis and clown.


Not That Kind Of Reefer
I was wondering if I can put a chromis in with a clownfish.... Idk if they would be aggressive towards eachother
in a 14 gallon I'd stick with 2 or 3 of each kind, ceriths, nass, astera (sp) and maybe, maybe 1 turbo if you start to get algae growing like crazy.
Maybe 1 or 2 hermits? They may eat your snails.
Just put in 4 small green chromis in my tank. I have 3 clowns & even though its a big tank they are all in the same area not bugging each other.
Ok I'm sold I think I will try it out. Ima do a water change tomorow should I put it in before or after the water change.( if I buy it)
are your levels are ok.... if they are i dont think u should have a problem..if you do a water change check your see if there all ok..
I'm saying should I add it after. The change so it can aclimate to only the new water or should I add it first then do a water change.
Ok I got it yesterday and everything seems fine. But the the chromis just hides in the back. Do I give it more time to adjust or does he usually hide
I think your clowns might be bullying him, and keeping him in the back. I would give it a week and if he isnt out and about, return him.
I'd be a little concerned that a 14g might be too small for your chromis - they do quite a bit of swimming around once they acclimate...
No the clown doesn't go to the back because the chromis kicks it out. The chromis just hides in the back and once the clown tried to go to the back it gets chased off.
Nevermind I fed them and now it seems cool with the other fish. They just hang out so its all good