Chromis question


Reefing newb
I have 2 blue/green Chromis and 2 Percula Clownfish in a 90gal and am a little concerned about one of the Chromis. I got the tank and fish a couple months ago from someone who had it going for a couple of years and after we set it up at my house all the fish seemed pretty happy and were eating fine.

Lately the bigger Chromis chooses to hide in the rock and peek out while the 3 other fish swim around and do their thing. Sometimes the smaller Chromis will get nose to nose with the shy one and have a stare down and then nip at the other. The shy one also doesn't really come out to eat any more and will stay in the back of the rocks to catch whatever food might float back there although it does come out sometimes when the mysis is served but not always.

I read that they like to be in schools but to be honest I don't think I have room for a bunch of them as I'd like to get other kinds of fish down the road. Will adding 1 more Chromis make a difference or would I need more than that to make everyone happy?

Also, if you don't think it's a schooling issue I'd love to hear what you think.

Thought I'd add a pic of the poor shy fish peeking out of the rock.

Yeah Chromis are called Highlander fish....THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!


Basically, they're very peaceful fish, but in a lot of cases, you start out with a few, and eventually they fight each other off until there's only one left. Usually people have luck with odd numbered chromis, but I had 3, and now I have 1 3 years later. Basically, I had 1 that was HUGE and the other 2 were much smaller, even though they started off the same size (introduced together too). The big one starved the others into nothingness.
Had three and the smaller two killed off my bigger one. Still have two but they "kissy fight" a lot. I figured they would have killed one another by now but nope.

I wouldnt bother with another one just because mine are huge and all the ones in stores are tiny and it would just give the bigger two a target to bully to death.