
Eric Noa

Reefing newb
There's something strange happening in my tank with my chromis.

The first time that I added chromis to my tank I added four and they started disappearing one by one. After a while there weren't any so I went and I bought 6 more ( the recommend quantity for my tank ) and that was almost a month ago and now I only have one. I also have two Ocellaris clows that have been there since a few weeks after my tank was set up. ( Approx 3-4 months ) I also have a few corals and a RBTA ( I know my tank is too young to have one but it's doing great ) Everything in the tank its in great condition but I just keep loosing my chromis.

My water parameters are closed to perfect.. I just need to bring the phosphate down a little.

What could be the cause of losing all the chromis that I put in the tank?
I have one Banded Coral Shrimp but it was added to the tank after I lost the first 4 and a couple of the 6 that I bought... Maybe when I only had 3 from the 6...
I started with twenty in my tank. They were small and schooled so it was very very cool. After about a year I now have 5 which have survived. I believe that when they go into the rock at night to sleep they got caught by any number of critters I have and got eaten.
Yea that could be the problem... I hope the one that I have left will be smarter than the rest and not go behind the rocks to sleep.. lol
Mine are now more than twice the size so I think they are pretty safe. They are about the size of a half dollar where as when I first got them they were the size of a nickel. I haven't had one go missing for a long time now.
They don't tend to have a very high survival rate because of the means by which they are caught. They often arrive at the LFS very stressed and I believe that I read somewhere about them carrying a parasite that tends to be a problem. I don't remember specifics, but I started with 5 in my tank and within a month they were all gone, sooo... no more chromis for me. They seem like too much trouble for what they are.
But a large group of them schooling around in your new set-up would be very cool Justin. Besides we know no crabs would get them. :lol:
Ugh! My new setup is still cloudy! I know that patience is key, but it's been 48 hours and we're only talking salt... no sand yet. I planned on waiting 72 hours for mixing before moving forward, but the fact that it is still so cloudy makes me think I'll be needing to give it more like a week. Soooo... No Chromis for me today.
I think in one of the chat sessions where we were actually talking about *gasp* fishtanks Biff and someone else mentioned her chromis attacking each other to form a pecking order, and in turn, the weaker ones become cuc food.
I think that Justin drove this nail home.
Chromis don't ship well,don't acclimate well,and have poor survival rates.It could be from collection methods,parasites,or any number of things.Plus they will fight to establish the pecking order.
Hence why they're so cheap? LOL is it worth qt'ing them at home then? My lfs does the dip instead of qt'ing...then puts them in the tanks...then add to that taking them home...if you qt them, then move them to the main dt, it's just more stress, and they still might have parasites and diseases?
Pretty much Wonton.
The lil guys are already so stressed that they are barely making it.

When we order chromis at the LFS,we plan on loosing at least 75% of them.
Well I haven't purchased any hitch hiking predator. My LR I bought it from a lady that had an establish tank but the glass of her 250g cracked and she was selling everything so I don't think there were any hitch hiking predator in the rock...