Cleaning a protein skimmer


Sausage Wrangler
We got our new skimmer yesterday (hooray!). And I remember reading something about cleaning the skimmer by running vinegar through it every so often. I don't remember if it was on the product page or if it was on here. Does anyone do this? And if anyone does do it, what's the easiest way?
Vinegar is a safe cleaning agent. You would make a vinegar and water solution. I don't think its necessary though. I just cleaned mine for the first time in a year and used just water from the garden hose and a sponge. I clean out the top part about once every two weeks in the sink with just water. I only use vinegar for cleaning pumps.
I run my pumps in a bucket of r.o/vinegar mix once a month, keeps them fresh. I've never used it on the skimmer body itself though.
Maybe that's what the guy reviewing the skimmer meant... cleaning the pump. Who knows. He should've been a little more specific.