Cloudy Tank


Reefing newb

I have had my tank for three months now. We had to do a water change because we had some deaths in the tank. We just replaced about 30% of the water with premixed sea water. Right not all we have in the tank is one piece of coral and some janitors. I have noticed that the tank is very cloudy. Is there some solution that I can buy for the tank?


I also had a question when changing the water? Is it a good idea to add tap water that has been sitting for awhile to allow the chlorine to evaporate??

The deal with tap water it other nasties besides chlorine such as nitrates and phosphates.So if you use it you want test for those. Have you check your salinity.The premixed saltwater could have a high concentration of salt and calcium wich may cause cloudy water.Also how often do you rinse and change the sponges.For water changes I usually get RO water from a little store that sales it and add my own salt.
kind of sorta. Reverse osmosis (filtered water)It takes all the nasties out of you can buy one that will filter your water for you or find a water store that sales it.
If I use tap water I use a dechlorinator, 2 drops per gallon and im ready to go. I usually let all my water sit overnight with a power head and heater in the can so that all the salt is mixed and the temp is perfect.
Thank you. Could you recommend some site to purchase coral and janitors? The places around us are very expensive. I noticed that it is a lot cheaper online but I'm not sure if it's worth purchasing coral on line.

You dont want to use tap water in a saltwater aquarium if you cant afford a ro unit then I highly suggest you go to wal-mart and pick up ro water in there bottled water section its anywhere from .33-.64 per gallon here also you can find marine clearifier at many of your local pet stores, live aquaria is the only site I have dealt with as of yet but Im fixing to try out corals plus I let you know how it turns out hope this helps.