

Reefing newb
One of my clownfish started changing color about 2-3 weeks ago. First thing that happened was that the last white stripe (near the tail) turned a grayish color. Then, yesterday I noticed that the whole fish was a darker color. It used to be a very nice orange color, then it just turned to a dark orange-ish blackish color. Anyone know why?
Is it the larger one by any chance? The one that grows bigger is the female and a color change (to dark) usually accompanies this. The other reason for turning darker is if they are getting stung by a coral or anemone they are hosting.
Its the larger one, I don't have any corals or anemones. The bigger one turned bigger about a year ago and it didn't change color that time, so I don't know...
Is he acting differently? Still active around the tank as always? Eating alright?

Probably nothing but I would keep an eye on it.
Everything is fine, except they keep swimming down into the rocks for some reason. Usually they stay near the surface of the water.
I have a pajama cardinal that was gorgeous and one day it turned a darker coloring, and never turned back. At the time, I had a heater that shorted out and had to do several water changes. I just thought that is what happened, but now not sure. Would love to hear other reasons why
I have a pajama cardinal that was gorgeous and one day it turned a darker coloring, and never turned back. At the time, I had a heater that shorted out and had to do several water changes. I just thought that is what happened, but now not sure. Would love to hear other reasons why

Many fish get darker or change colors as they reach maturity