Conflicting Data


Reefing newb
I did two water changes over the past two days, only about 5% each, to lower nitrates. Each time after I tested, my ammonia readings on my API test kit showed .25ppm. I decided to get out my older tetratest kit, and thats showing a reading of 0ppm. I remember someone saying before that some test kits will show .25ppm when ammonia is really at 0ppm. The thing is, I've been using this test kit for roughly a month, and only recently has it started showing .25ppm. I did take out my bio-wheel filter a few days ago, and currently only have the coralife 125 skimmer and a UV sterelizer running. Could the lack of mechanical filtration attribute to higher ammonia content? I'm going to home depot today to see if they have the right tubing for my canister filter. In the meanwhile, should I do anything or just ignore the api result?
Taking the bio-wheels off could have caused a little ammonia to be left in your water.I know alot of people say that bio-wheels cause high nitrates but I run them on my 30 and change 3 gallon of water every week(was doing 5).My trates are always between 0 and 0.5.
The bio-wheels will allow ammonia to to be released out of your water as it takes in oxygen in the gas exchange.Thats what the wheels are actually for.To help with gas exchange and ammonia turns to a gas when its exposed to air.
Hope that help.
that and the bio wheel has bacteria that are used in the nitrogen cycle to change ammonia to nitrite. removal of this could have cause a mini cycle untill the bacteria can grow in other parts of the tank

I agree with bjo,the beneficial bacteria has to catch up with your bioload since you removed the bio-wheels.
you can cut off your UV until your bacteria can catch up though.
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