Copepods? What kind?


Reefing newb
While cleaning the tank I saw these little guys (I mean VERY little) skittering on the glass.
They seem to like being directly in the flow of a powerhead. At first I thought they were snail larva but they don't look like the ones I have seen before.
I also culture Tigger pods so I know what those looks like at several growth stages, and they don't look like Tiggers either.

It is so hard to get a good resolution picture since they are so tiny. Even with my camera lens set to macro this is the best I could get.



The bodies appear to have three main segments with two visible antennae in front. I can't see the legs but their movement seem to imply they move with legs and not a snail foot.

I'm trying to determine if these are harmless (or even good) guys or if I should remove them from the tank.

If these are actually fish food, I might try collecting some and set up a culture tank just for them.