Coral Dead

Al Vance

Reefing newb
I may have gotten a great deal on some hammer coral? 3 out of 5 branches look really bad. 2 Are completely skeleton. Will they grow back? Can they hurt the tank? Will they make the others die?
I paid 25 CDN.
Normally 84CDN if in good shape that was the sticker price.
Let me know
The 2 heads that are a coplete skeleton are gone for good.

The 3 that look bad might make it through. Just need a lot of TLC. Post some pics and Im sure others will be able to give you better advise on the caring for the coral.

Agreed. LPS corals are pretty tough. You can rescue damaged corals if they get the right water, food and lighting in your tank.
+1 above.

with care i think you got a good deal, not just in canadian dollars but in canadian karma, or coral karma.
+2 above.
It'll also help to give it a Lugols Iodine soak.Might keep any infection down and help the coral heal up.
I agree with Yote. It could have been an infection that killed off those heads; you just don't know. Better off safe and dipping the whole thing to try and kill any disease that may be on it.