Coralife super skimmer needle wheel


Reefing newb
I just bought one of these off Craigslist, my question is how far are the bubbles supposed to come up? This is the first skimmer I have ever used any tips on fine tuneing?
Hi, i have a coralife 125. You can either wet skim or dry skim. If you wet skim - then keep the bubbles at a level so that the bubbles just overflow into the cup. Dry skim - keep the bubble just under the rim (1/2 inch or so). Wet skim collects more junk but you have to empty the cup more.
At first you will have to play around with the skimmer level (the red turning button) to get it right. I would check it a few times a day The problem with the coralife is that the level of bubbles is affected by the water level in your sump - i hate this. So, when you turn your return pump off - make sure you turn off your skimmer first otherwise - the skimmer will way overflow (due to the water level increasing in your sump.
Some people have problems with the bubble diffuser and returning too many bubbles back into the tank - i never had that problem.
If its used - take the covering plate off the pump intake and rinse the pump out in vinegar to get rid of any calcium deposites (thoroughly wash out the vinegar after obviously).
If its been used as a HOB and you are using it as an in-sump - and you can't get the bubbles to get to the top - it has to do with the length of the tubing connecting the pump the skimmer - the pump should sit level with the skimmer.
Good luck with it - Its not a bad skimmer for the $.