Coralline algae


Reefing newb
Im just wondering about how long before i should start seeing some good coralline spreadage if thats a word. Ive got it spreading on the rocks a little bit but nothing on the glass of pumps or nothing. Is there a time frame or does it just depend on my tank?
Depends on the tank and what you keep your parameters at. If you want, you can scrub the coraline that has appeared so far. Scrubbing with a toothbrush will help release spores.
Spreadage is not in Wikipedia but is in an Urban dictionary.It is described as the point where two roads split.So,I'm going to have to say no,its not a real word in the strictest sense.

Coralline is dependent on light,calcium,magnesium and akalinity.It will vary between systems but usually a month or two after the cycle is a good time frame to see specks appear on the back glass and equipment.Compared to nuisance algae,they grow at snails pace in comparison.
I have very little, here and there...going on 3 1/2 years.I have also been told be careful what you wish for when it comes to this stuff.It can actually begin to cover your whole tank and LR.Which will then take away from your LR's natural filtering abilties..
Keep your nitrates and phosphates down.Alkalinity,calcium,and magnesium levels right and stable,and you'll have that crap comin out your ears before long.And YES,be careful what you wish for when it comes to coralline.
It'll use up calcium and alkalinity like a tank full of stonie corals does.It can and will become a problem on the front and side glasses.While it does look pretty,scrapping it off the front glass everyday gets old.
1+ Yote Coralline will suck carbonates (or alkalinity) out of the water keep it a bit high. It needs light too. It might take a couple months.