

Reefing newb
i was wondering if yellowtailed blue damsels kill hermit crabs?

i bought 3 but for some reason 2 have just come out of their shells and died. and the one thats still alive was bigger than the others.

all my levels r normal. i have thriving growth on my live rock. anemones r fine. the damsel is the only fish n the tank (he came w it) and is very territorial. ive seen him point at them before but nothing too alarming.

any thoughts?
Wow thats a new one. I wouldnt think a damsel could hurt a hermit. I guess it could happen. I would think if they where new to the tank that it would be more likely either to fast a acclimation or they where stressed from transport.
its highly unlikely that it was the damsel that killed 2 of them. Probably either bad acclimation or some issue with the water that stressed them out.
i thought it was stress from transport too at first but the first didnt die until 3 weeks after i got them and the second was 2 weeks after the first.

fish store experts r stunted too.

ill keep watching and see if anything else seems off.

thanx for the replies
it was probably the only hermit left... hermit crabs will go after and kill other crabs for shells, food, and even just because. I had a nice big hermit that did a really good job cleaning but he liked to kill my snails and other hermits...

go pick up some extra shells and put em in your tank :) i did that and have no more fighting/deaths! :D
Also, is there enough food in there for them? If not you can place 1-2 pellets in front of them with a turkey baster so they get enough to eat.
Theres plenty of food (algae). i thought it was over eating at first but that didnt seem too likely. the bigger one could of killed the others but hes not that much bigger. and i have lots of big shells already n there.

its ok. thanx to u all for ur replies :-)
what do they(hermits) eat?

i was told to add a cup of my water to the bag every 5 mins. but ive had them for 3 weeks before the first died then 3 weeks after that when the second died.
what do they(hermits) eat?

i was told to add a cup of my water to the bag every 5 mins. but ive had them for 3 weeks before the first died then 3 weeks after that when the second died.

I do see my hermits cleaning and picking through my coral rock eating algae, but I also use a few sinking pellets that they love. They'll literally jump off the coral rock and go after the pellets - they're also great at grabbing any mysis shrimp that get caught in the coral rocks from feeding.