DBL end HQI vs. MH?


Reefing newb
:shocking: Alright i have 6 PFO 400watt 14k pheneix :shocking: DBL ENDED HQI :shocking: running:kruecken: my reef system that includes 6 72" super actinic R VHO so far so good corals tremendously growing exessive size.:helm2:
i had trouble growing my crow and shrooms, to stay in their color patterns when i first had them with MH.
tell me your set up and success:D
I'm a little confused about your question. DE Ended MH bulbs is a type of MH. Also HQI is a type of ballast that can also be used on SE bulbs.

Are you trying to say you use 6 400Watt DE MHs powered by an HQI ballast?

Also are you just curious about other peoples settup and success or are you wanting to compare DE MH bulbs vs SE bulbs powered by the same HQI Ballast?

Let me know.