dead anthia, crabs to blame?


proud reefer!
over a month ago we had our beloved, Laudie the Dispar Anthia die. I'm wondering if anyone could help me figure out why as I am going to get a new anthia tomorrow.

I always saw him eating. His belly wasn't disfugured/shrank/skinny. He swam about all the time and was colorful.

We have 2 Sally LightFoot Crabs that I saw eating him behind the rock one morning...I'm trying to understand if these crabs ate him or just cleaned up after he had died during the night.

I thought these were not killer crabs, as reassured by the LFS and just algae eaters...but as these guys grow I am wondering if their appetite grows, too.

Any ideas thoughts or general experience with the crabs would be great!

I'm willing to get rid of them if I need to.
they could have killed him but i doubt it, most likely cleaning up. how long had you had him for, was he treated for internal parasites?
No way any crab is going to catch a healthy anthias. They are fast.
As Dustin asked, how long did you have it? How many times/day were you feeding and what were you feeding? Did you treat for internal parasites?
Dude, don't doubt the power of the evil sally lightfoot. You'd think sixline wrasses and firefish were too fast to be caught too. But I used to have a pair of sallys, and I WATCHED them catch, kill and eat three perfectly healthy fish, a sixline wrasse and two firefish, right before my very eyes. I had seen them swiping at passing fish for a while, but didn't think they were really a threat. WRONG! They start out herbivorous, but as they grow larger, they become better hunters and turn carnivorous. I do not consider sally lightfoots reef safe for this reason.