
Deep Six

Reefing newb
I had a yellow tang that was doing fine last night he was eating well and acting great but I came home today and he was swimming upside-down. I don't know how long he was like this because I didnt look at him this morning but after I saw him heonly made it a few more hours and then he died. Ive had him about 4 months with no problems and the water tests are great Any ideas thanks.
they will do that sometimes. i know it sucks to hear but they can and will die for no reason at all. but check and double check everything
A yellow tang would actually be fine in a 4 ft tank, but that tank is so small for the hippo.

Also any signs of HLLE or malnutrition?
I would suggest to start feeding frozen mysis over a flake food... flake isn't that great for fishies :(

IT could have been stress from two tangs being in a 75 g tank... Any aggression shown from the clown? You could have a stray volt as well or maybe some internal parasites?
Bummer :( Sorry to hear, deep six. +1 everyone, though...could be anything. And if everyone else seems fine, it really just might be one of those unexplained things. Frozen is a better addition to their meals.