Digital Thermometer


Reefing newb
Hey everyone, my nano cube has a heater in it that came with it, but it has no controls to adjust the temp.

I went out today to buy a digital thermometer, and the temp is reading 84.9, and this is with the heater unplugged for the past hour and a half. I dont get it? The fish have been happy, but there was that Anemone mishap. My worry right now with the heater unplugged is this digital thermometer is out of wack and now the water is cooling down drastically while still reading really high.

Any thoughts?
How do you know the water is cooling down drastically? 84 is lil on the high side, but. What kinda lights are you running to keep the tank hot? To actually see if your digital therm is working you'll have to get a cheap one just to gut check and see if its close.
I also don't trust the digital thermometers -- in my experience they have not been accurate. I would get a cheap alcohol based one (with the red line and the metal beads at the bottom) to double check.

Many of those enclosed all in one tanks don't actually need heaters. Because of their lights and closed tops, they stay warm on their own. So double check your temperature before you do anything to it.
Okay, thank you. Going to get get a different thermometer today. I will play around with the heater vs no heater for awhile and see if it is required as well. I thought maybe between the 2 powerheads, 2 pumps and the lights there likely was some heat being generated.

Thanks everyone