disaster strikes


Reefing newb
So Sunday is my typical aquarium maintenance day. I pull out the power heads clean them off, clean my skimmer and all of that good stuff. Somehow as I was putting my trashcan back beside my aquarium I hit one of my power strips and turned off my power heads and heater. The next morning I leave and go to work. When I get home I find Tina, Picasso, Danny Tanner, and Stumpy(Royal Gramma, Lubbocks Fairy, Cleaner shrimp x 2) lying on the sand all dead :( The 2 clownfish (Pockets and Jeanie) were it pretty rough shape, their mouths were extemely white and they were gasping pretty hard. They have seemed to pulled through just fine. They didn't eat yesterday but they ate today and seem back to their usual routine. All of my corals seem fine. The hammer seems to be the worse off but I think it will pull through. Im pretty heart broken about this. Picasso was absolutely my favorite fish. He is non-replaceable. I don't think I will get another gramma or lubbocks. They just wouldn't be the same.
oh my goodness so sorry to hear that! i know how that is :( i had that with some freshwater fish a few years back when our power went out and all my sweet little new fry all ended up in fish heaven along with their parents... a very sad day..

Danny Tanner makes me laugh though, all my friends have nicknamed my dad that because hes basically my dad as a TV sitcom character haha
I am sorry to hear it. If it makes you feel any better, it seems like trouble is in the air. You are not the only one having tank troubles. Sorry for your losses!
WOW bio, really sorry to hear about that. That is such a bummer. i know the feeling of losing fish, and 2 fish and cleaner shrimp is just devastating. hopefully the same thing never happens again.
That ultra-sucks. I've developed a maintenance check list that I use every time and it includes such things as "check for water splash on power cords before restoring power."
Hate to hear that Bio.
But 99.9% of us have been there and done that.The other .1% has been in the hobby long enough.
So sorry to hear about your losses. Instead of replacing the animals that died, you can get different ones and name them in their honor.
Thanks for the kind words everyone I greatly appreciate it.

any updates? how's the hammer doing? how are your other tank mates holding up? any new friends yet?

The hammer is doing well. I told the owners of the LFS what happened and they loaned me a Ozone generator to run in the tank for a few days, I really had no idea the amount of life my aquarium supported until it died off and was piled at the bottom of the tank. With that, my nitrates were finally detectable for the first time in 2 months.

I've decided to not get a new fish yet. My light fixture needed new lights so I got some 50/50's to replace my 10k's. I think some of my HA problem is due to the lights needing to be replaced.

I have had a few ideas on fish. I've always wanted a Midas Blenny and a Kole Tang. I've not seen a midas blenny ever at a LFS around my parts. Kole tangs come in a lot, but they get sold pretty quickly. next batch of fish my LFS gets from Hawaii should cure that desire.