
It depends. Some duncans branch out pretty fast and keep the heads spaced out far apart.
Some grow new heads and barely separate so the entire cluster looks like dense pom-pom.

My duncan has grown from 7 to over 20 heads in a year's time but have not really branched out yet. The heads are still very close together.
There is only one distinct branching between two clusters.
And then I have seen other duncans where each head is on an elongated stem with each head barely touching each other.

I wish mine would branch out a bit so I can frag them easier.
Looks like mine is going to be the same way. It's got 5 heads on it now, I don't see how it could have any room for new heads. The actual base (skeleton) of it is only about two inches. Any more heads start showing up and there just won't be any room left lol.