dying fish


Reefing newb
So I woke up this morning to find my kole tang stuck between two rocks. Showing that he had been chomped on by my emerald [COLOR=blue !important][COLOR=blue !important]crab[/COLOR][/COLOR]. Dont know what caused his death in the first place. all i can say is it sucks losing fish. all my perameters look good. not sure what caused his death. HELP HELP HElp

perameters are as followed.

nitrite 0.0
nitrate 2.5-3.5
amonia .05-.15
ph 8.4
calcium 520
phosphate .08-.12
best guesses with using an api kit.
How long has your tank been set up and running?
Anything les than 0 for ammonia is bad.But that could be a faulty test kit.
Was your tang eating and how long did you have him?
Well, if his description is right, the tank is around 10 months old...but maybe that's when he started buying stuff...if it's already 10 months old, then the ammonia spike could be from the tang.

If it IS less than a month old, then Yote's right about the tank.

The emerald crab was just doing his job of cleaning. How long have you had the tang? Has it been eating or showing any unusual signs prior to dying? If it was otherwise healthy, then maybe you have a mantis lurking around...heard any clicking lately? Any other fish in there?
1+ Yote. If that ammonia reading is right then that could be the problem. Perhaps one dead fish caused an ammonia spike which killed another fish, which caused another spike, etc. This kind of thing has happened before.

Re-check ammonia.