Everyones dead :(


Reefing newb
Well i woke up this morning to find all the fishies dead :(. The hermits are not moving, the baby snails are no where to be found and the big guy is on the top of the powerhead trying to get out. Coral is still looking good though.

Well when my damsel killed my other clown I brought him back and got a new clown and a chromis. They were all doing fine eating and swiming together last night night but not now.

Levels are at at
PH-8.0 little low
Am- maybe slightly above 0 but hardly
Nitrates-Also very close to 0

All this at about the year anniversary of my tank and 2 days before I leave to go back to school. Very crappy end to my winter break.:grumble:
Aw man....sorry for your loss :( Could there have been a temp swing while you were out? Check for stray voltage, too.
wow that blows - sorry for the loss -
other then stray voltage i dont know what you would check for - copper maybe something falling into the tank that shouldent have
again sorry
Dang man, I would really do some investigation and/or troubleshooting to try and figure out what happened..
You are a student? Is your tank in a public room, or a place others might be able to access? Could someone have put something in as a joke, not knowing how detrimental it could be?

Very sorry to hear this, it's awful.
Thanks guys, well yeah it is pretty discouraging that's for sure. The snails and hermits are movin around like normal now and seem fine. I taught my mom how to test the water and shes gonna let it sit for about a month and see how everything goes before we add anything else.
Oh my, this is one of the scariest thing that could happen. Look on the bright side, sometimes these things just happen. But at least you still have the snails.