excellent article on macroalgae for refugiums

good reading, i've had calurpa in my fuge since day one, and i havent had any problems, but i was also told by a very experienced aquariest, to keep that stuff lit hot and bright 24/7. he's never had a problem with it in all the years he's had it, and thus far, i havent either. I'm using a 100W equivenant CFL bulb in a $5 clip on home depot fixture, on a 10gal mini fuge.

when i get my new sump and fuge up and running, i'm seriously considering either adding, or switching to the cheato just to reduce the chances of having a problem, not to metnion that i really want to get into some corals, and from everything that i can find, thats the way to go, and to do it a few months before the first coral, so, it'll be time to do something pretty soon, i hope.