

Reefing newb
I have a 25g with a emperor bio whell on it. A few days ago i put a bak pak skimmer on it. I have live rock a clown, naso, and a 6 line wrease. I plan to put some soft coral in soon. I was wondering if i should keep the bio wheel on.
I really hope this is your quarantine tank. The bio wheel should come off, but let it float in the tank for about a week then take it out, so not to put the tank into shock.

But the big thing is keeping a naso tang in a 25 gallon tank??? Thats disaster waiting to happen. Not to mention the size he'll be getting soon, but with the other fish, your tank is in need of upgrading to keep the tang.
Hi and welcome to the forum,
If you have not had a look yet there is some great information to to be read under the articles section.I do agree that the tang will outgrow its environment but you can always return it to your LFS and get credit for a smaller tang.The bio should be removed but only if other conditins exsist to support the bio-logical filteration.The live rock will do this for you as long as you have enough.1 lbs to 1.5 lbs is what is needed.How much do you have?Also does the bak pak have stuff in it called bio bale(bio media also)? The reef model usually does.On the coral topic what kind of lighting are you running?
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The naso is still small enough for the tank. I have 20lbs of live rock and a 130 50/50 for my lighting. There is bio bale in the skimmer. Should i take that out and should i also take off the whole bio filter including the pad? thanks for your help.
The amount of live rock you is a decent amount a little more could be helpful.As long as does not over crowd your tank.The resoning behind the Bio-wheel removal is they can cause the nitrates to rise.Have you tested them to see what level they are at.If they are high I would start with the removal of the Bio-wheel.Also make sure that the filter pad are cleaned out evey few days.See how that goes first and next maybe the Bio-bale in the skimmer could be removed.While it is the skimmer just rinse it at least once a week.To keep it clean.
The amount of flight you have will be enough for soft coral and some LPS hard.
SPS coral and clams might be problem,but if you locate them close to the light they might be ok.I would look for zoos,mushrooms,Maybe a hammer or frogspawn.Try the first two and then go from there.
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ok I wont repeat that already given. take out the bio wheels, you can keep the filter running but need to clean at least every 7 to 10 days. the bio bale in the skimmer can be removed also. you should also delete the duplicate post of this item. welcome to the forum keep us posted on your progress. with all the fish that are available i would recommend against a naso. may be small now but is not fair to the fish to put it in such tight quarters. there are many other fish out there that will fit in nicely. happy fishin.