

Reefing newb
Since I don’t have any coral in my tank yet is it a rush to get a skimmer or can I keep using my wet/dry till I get all the liverock that I want. Cycle the tank and wait for a good deal to come around. I have a really bad aptasia problem in the liverock I have know so I don’t plan on putting anything in there but peppermint shrimp, copper butterfly, and a kline butterfly to get rid of the problem. The other thing is I don’t have enough liverock yet I have about 200lbs I think I need closer to 300lbs. that’s what I was told, so to keep any corals from dying I don’t want to any in till I reach that amount and get rid of the aptasia… Is that a good game plan?
If you don't have any livestock in there except aiptasia, then crank up the heat and cook the little bastards to death. 105F for a couple weeks should do it. Or take all the rock out and boil it on the stove in a big 5g pot. Boil as much as you can get into the pot for about 1hr. Dump the water and then boil the next batch. Keep doing this until all the rock is boiled.

Starting off with a tank full of aiptasia is a recipe for disaster. Better get rid of it before you add ANY live stock. Peppermint shrimp and butterfly fish are not guaranteed to eat the aiptasia.

After you kill all the aiptasia, you can start your cycle.

Dump the wet/dry idea and convert it to a sump with a skimmer and live rock instead. Wet/dry units create nitrates. You'll probably always have nitrate problems with a wet/dry.
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