Final fish desicions


Reefing newb
I am looking to add a final fish to my 90 gallon.
My current stocking list is
Yellow tang
Coral Beauty
Whip fin fairy wrasse
2 orange and white clowns
1 black and white clown
Diamond goby

1 marble sea star
1 cleaner shrimp
1 fire shrimp
1 halloween hermit crab

I was looking at a chocolate tang, am wondering about compatibility,
another choice was blue jaw triggerfish, but they might eat some ornamental shrimp i read?
and a princess damselfish looked cool.

Any opinions or sugeestions?
I hate to say it first, but your tank is too small for a Tang. I'm not going to hound you on that point though.

Its not good to have an odd number of clowns. If you try it, make sure one is BIG and the other two are small by comparison.

The Coral beauty MIGHT try to eat corals you have, but its a 50/50 proposition. The LFS I frequent has been taking coral beauties back left and right. It seems the latest batch all like to eat coral. I see your running a FOLWR, but just keep it in mind down the road.

You will love the FF. Just be aware they can look pretty creepy if they are upset or sleeping. It might take a month or more for it to regain all its colour.

Others will have to chime in about the rest.
Actually, I disagree w/ NF. A chocolate tang (lemonpeel mimic tang) is rated for a 70g tank and will do fine in a 90g. I have one in my tank, she's peaceful and full of personality. I think you would do fine w/ a chocolate tang! You could also consider a kole eyed tang or another from that family - most are also rated for 70g so would be fine in a 90.

Do you already have those fish in your tank, or are you just putting together a stocking list for the future?
Thanks FishyReef, I also disagree with NF. I have all those fish in my tank for quite awhile now and all are happy and healthy and get along. The coral beauty doesnt eat my corals as I have fish only and the yellow tang is fine in a 90 gallon. The 3 clowns are buddies and all snuggle together at night to sleep. I'm only worried about adding a chocolate tang now since the yellow tang has been there awhile, I hope they would get along.
I believe the op was stating what he has in his tank and wondering what final fish he could add that would be compatible with what he has.
I'd avoid the damselfish like the plague
I think it depends on the yellow's personality - I'd say if your yellow tang, foxface, and CB are all pretty peaceful than you'd probably be fine adding a chocolate, but if any are prone to getting bent out of shape or chasing another fish then I'd do something like a kole-eyed tang instead which tend to be pretty good at holding their own! And yeah, stay away from damsels!
The only one that I've ever seen get pushy is the coral beauty, and the only fish he bugs ever is my diamond goby.
Isn't it funny how certain fish only get bent out of shape with another certain fish in the tank rather than everyone? My female clown only chases my chromis, my six-line only occasionally bugs the basslet, and the basslet only gets bent out of shape w/ my tang (posturing w/ an open mouth when she comes near his territory) - its so funny! I recently added a watchman goby and no one has even noticed it even though everyone else was already established. I think once they've got their target that's who they stick with.

Anyhow, I think you'll be just fine w/ the chocolate. The only thing I would consider is adding an adult instead of a juvenile since tangs of similar colors may go after each other, and the juvenile chocolates are bright yellow.
Damsels get shockingly huge. At one of the LFS by me it is absolutely amazing the size of the damsels they have. And the owner tells me they will kill anything added to the tank. They are very mean and I wouldn't do it, especially with the clowns
I also think you'd be fine with the chocolate, but second the suggestion to get an adult due to the coloration issues with the yellow tang. There may be some initial tail flashing and chasing between the tangs, but as long as there is adequate food for both, they should settle down eventually.

I have two tangs as well, and when I added the second tang, I strung up a mirror on the outside of the tank and set up two nori stations. My original tang settled down within about 3-4 days, and now the two are on decent terms with each other. My problem came with my butthead Flameback angel that took a serious dislike to the new tang. He chased and nipped the newbie for 2-3 weeks! But he had no reaction to me adding the maroon clowns, so maybe he just didn't like the yellow tang. IDK. But I'd keep an eye on your tank for a few days after adding the tang, just to make sure that the bullying stays to a minimum and everyone is getting a chance to eat.