firefish pair


Reefing newb
hey guys, its my first post here!

i have two firefish that i ordered though my LFS and went and picked them up while they were still in their bags. i've had them for a couple months now and from when i put them in the tank up until about three weeks ago they acted like they were a pair. they always stayed within a few inches of each other. about three weeks ago they started seperating, and now they never get near each other. they don't fight at all, its just like their paths never cross.

what could be the reason for this?

Maybe one of them has bad breath? HEEHEE

I dont think they are schooling fish so I wouldn't assume its anything bad as long as they are not fighting.
one more thing-
i was reading that they are friendly when they are juveniles and usually fight once they become adults. mine are adults and dont fight, so does that mean that they will become a pair?

and btw little_fish, your photo of the month is awesome!
I agree with lil fish...they're just more comfortable now. Are there any other fish in there with them?

Also, welcome to the site..glad to have you aboard.
I agree with lil fish...they're just more comfortable now. Are there any other fish in there with them?

Also, welcome to the site..glad to have you aboard.

i also have a pair of clowns, a blue/yellow chromis, a black chromis, and a coral banded shrimp