first fish on their way


Reefing newb
my first fish are on theyre way down from LA right now :D
its a pair of potters leopard wrasses.... ive been reading that most of them have intestinal worms and need to be treated... what treatment would you all recommend?
doing good but hes never been as fat as he should be/i want him to be. ill see what the pod levels are like in the 55 after i put the wrasses in but he'll probably end up in there.
haha such prettttyyyy fishes!!! two females though so hopefully one will turn male soon. they both swam to either end of the tank... paused... pointed themselves down and shot themselves into the sand and buried themselves hahaha such funny fish i cant wait to see them in the full light.
any recommendations on how i should get rid of their worms?
no i cant set up a separate quarantine tank so i have to resort to taking things extra slow and doing it in my display... is that medication coral/invert friendly?
Some people have used it in reefs with no obvious effects on other animals, but it has been known to kill pods and crustaceans. So it's not really reef safe. It needs to be done in quarantine. :(
bbbbaaaaalllllssss... and im assuming theres no alternative that is reef safe? also since theyve been in the tank already, even if i take them out tomorrow will the parasite be in the water/sand?
shoulda thought about this one a little more. :frustrat:
Well you don't know that they have a parasite. But you can assume that they have ich, since they weren't quarantined. Not much you can do about it now. Others know a lot more about PraziPro than I do -- maybe they will chime in with a suggestion about using it.
so heres the only semi-decent picture ive been able to snap of one of my new wrasses. they are QUIIICCCKKKK and i dont have a nice camera to adjust to the correct speed.... this is after about 50 blurry pictures and only the blues are on so its not that bright.

thanks guys!! only one of them eats frozen so far though... i havent tried with the other one extensively, but even so the one who does eat frozen wont eat it out of the baster or while its falling... he/she waits till the food sinks to the bottom and then notices it when it swims over it. btw i say he/she because one of them is clearly female [the one in the pic] but the other one is either discolored or changing sex. i got it that way, it looks like the colour is shifting to more black in the front and lighter/yellow in the back. havent been able to find a picture of a male potters leopard wrasse though... anyone have any idea what they look like?
oh yea also i kinda hypothesized that the discoloured one had begun to change sex in the tank it was in before i bought it, and now its in a tank with a wrasse thats smaller than it so perhaps its slowing down the change? the larger ones are typically supposed to stay female correct?