First SW tank, 29 Gallon BioCube Build


Reefing newb
So, set up the tank about 2 weeks ago... used around 20 pounds of live rock to start it with aragonite sand.


Dosed the water with some powdered flake food (to get some ammonia in the water when it dissolved and broke down).
Started testing the water a couple days later and it read:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10 ppm
pH - 8.2

It held steady there for the rest of the week... so we picked up a pair of small clownfish. They were at home almost instantly. Swam around the tank exploring it, and ate very healthy (cyclopeeze) the first night and every day since. Tested the water every day after and it held steady with the same parameters.


Two days ago, there was a diatom bloom and now the water reads:
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 0
pH - 8.2
Added Chaeto last night with some LEDs in the fuge (we ordered the inTank media baskets and are running filter floss, purigen and chemi-pure and now chaeto). I think we're about ready for a CUC... and looking at potentially some polyps and a fire/blood shrimp this weekend.


little tunnel the clownfish love darting out from during feeding time.


Better pics when the T2i comes out.
Nice looking setup you got there! I stumbled across inTank a couple days ago by browsing another reefing forum and those media baskets seem to be pretty sweet. I'll pick one up myself if I ever get an AIO tank in the future.

You said you wanted a fire shrimp and some polyps(Zoanthids I assume). Inverts are more susceptible to bad water quality or big swings in parameters. Make sure your readings are good before you get one. Also if you get one, If you see the shell of the shrimp, don't just assume it died. They can molt and the shell would just be its molting shell.

Welcome to the site!
Looks like you are off to a great start!

If you want to order you CUC, check out They are the best place to get a complete CUC, both cheap and excellent customer service. Plus you get a discount for being a member on here!
Great looking tank, i like ur clowns they have a good bright color on them. Just a thought I would remove that coral/liverock u have on the far right out front. U really can't do much with it, well atleast I couldn't. Placing coral an stuff on mine wasnt a smooth deal so I just left it for show. But I only say that if u plan on placing coral on it
Fire Shrimp and Zoas are now in the tank! Almost all the polyps opened within 15 minutes of being in the tank and have remained open. The shrimp let the clownfish know where his territory is (clowns weren't sure they wanted to give up an inch of the tank.. but by this morning they've worked it out). And we're seeing more of the fire shrimp today than we did yesterday.