fish identification ressource


Reefing newb
Here is something I am working on. This is a blog about saltwater fish, corals and other marine animals.
There is still many missing species but I thing this can be usefull to some of us. Here it is: Aquarium Life

Hope that will help someone.
just a tip... for someone who doesn't know the scientific name you should be able to also scroll or search by the "known" name.
Thanks you for your feedback!

just a tip... for someone who doesn't know the scientific name you should be able to also scroll or search by the "known" name.
That's right! I thought about it but what to do with species that have sometime up to 5 "known" names or multiple species with the same known name?
I think it looks awesome. Most fish only have one common name. There are a few that have more than one (like blue tang, hippo tang, regal tank, dori fish, etc).

I just wanted to let you know that Aquariumslife's first photo contest is now open! :bounce: All you need is to submit your saltwater related picture to run the chance to win one of our great cash prizes. You can find more information about the contest here

Good luck!