Fish in the Overflow


Reef enthusiast
Anyone have any simple solutions for keeping fish out of the overflows? Seems like once a week I have to pull one of my clowns or anthias out of one of them. They both sleep close to them and all I can figure is that they are getting sucked in at night. Getting to be really annoying.
I have never had a fish in my overflow. Although I thought I had one go down the drain and I had to pull it out and everything on both sides....he was just hiding under a rock..

I dont know I would suggest put like a screen over it but if they jump on that they cant get off so I have no clue.
Tell them the boogie man lives in there???
what about using some of that plastic window screen or cutting a peice of acrylic than shaving the edges so that it makes a lid for it
The only SIMPLE Thing I can think of is a lid or bird netting but that defeats the purpose as you would just end up with a dried up dead fish.
The new Marineland Marine Series tanks come with a black plastic cover that fits over the overflow box. I may make 1 for myself.
I agree with a lid for it. Until you get a lid, you can lower the pump output at night when you go to sleep so that its not pushing them into the overflow box with so much current. just a suggestion.
I cut a couple of pieces of plexi-glass to fit on top of my overflows.
Might end up with a crispy fish,but at least I wont have to fish en out of the overflow.
I use plastic garden mesh from Home Depot or Lowe's. It comes in a big roll, and you just layer a few pieces and silicone it in place.