Fish magazines


Reef enthusiast
Whaddya get? Whaddya like? Who do u order it through? How much?

I wanna start a subscription but I'm not sure what magazine I should get.
I've let my subscription run out but am going to renew.I need bathroom reading material.I can't remember,maybe 12 bucks a year.
If you are looking for a monthly saltwater magazine,I can't think of any.There are some quarterly and bi-annual ones on the site.
FAMA(fresh and saltwater aquarium).Alot of the same articles from the magazine(and other magazines) is at this website.Usually it's a month or two behind subscribers.
Freshwater and Marine Aquarium - FAMA
There really seems to be a void in this category. I wonder why there aren't more magazines available. I subscribe to Coral magazine as well.