Fish opinion

haha thats so funny.... i couldnt even picture them doing is official tho....he loves the trumpet

keep an eye on the trumpet, sometime the corals arent hardy enough and actually can get damaged of killed by a clown that is hosting it. if it doesnt open for a few days, try moving the coral somewhere else in the tank.
keep an eye on the trumpet, sometime the corals arent hardy enough and actually can get damaged of killed by a clown that is hosting it. if it doesnt open for a few days, try moving the coral somewhere else in the tank.

Thanks for the heads up.....its wierd that you mention this because when i was watching the trumpet it didnt seem to mind, it didnt shrivel up or anything. Where as if i fan at it, it defintly shrivels up and gets pissed. I will keep an eye out for sure just because its a nice coral and i believe my 4th head is coming, one is spliting. =):Cheers:
Could try a Coral Beauty, one of the few Angels that you can keep in a smaller tank. They are also some of the most "reef Safe" species as well(still advisable to keep on an eye on them at first and make sure they are fed a variety of diet to ward off temptations).
Could try a Coral Beauty, one of the few Angels that you can keep in a smaller tank. They are also some of the most "reef Safe" species as well(still advisable to keep on an eye on them at first and make sure they are fed a variety of diet to ward off temptations).

I had thought about that but all the ones for sale are big around here....if ima get something is gunna be smaller so i can watch it grow.:Cheers:
Since I don't have an anemone just yet, the B&W clowns I got with my tank host specific spots in my rock. The male hosts a crevice and I swear he literally gets in there and lays down. The female hosts the upper left corner of the arch in my rock. Close to the male, but not too close.
Back on the hunt for another fish...seems all wrasses need 50g min and i only have a 46g...most of the other fish i want or thought looked cool are semi- aggressive. UGH! lil more help...was lookin at tail spot blenny and starry blenny but idk if i want a damn blenny as the last one just got 86'ed. This fish has to be very peaceful and reef compatiable.

Current fish: Yellow watchman gobie, MD, firefish, maroon clown.
Tail spot blennies are very peaceful cute fish but, they stay pretty small only getting to about 2.5" long. I've wanted one for a long time.

Edit: I just saw the barnacle blennies and they look and sound really cool.
There are wrasses that will do fine in your tank...a 6-line,or a mystery come to mind ATM,i'm sure there are more..the mystery is said to be peaceful,and my 6-line is harmless,never shows any aggression....
Could try a Coral Beauty, one of the few Angels that you can keep in a smaller tank. They are also some of the most "reef Safe" species as well(still advisable to keep on an eye on them at first and make sure they are fed a variety of diet to ward off temptations).

My coral beauty has been a real bitch. Even bullies my damn cleaner shrimp. She's about to get a ticket back to the LFS if she doesn't get her ish together. :grumble:
try the enginere goby. I know you said no more gobies, but this one doesnt look like your average goby. It is also known as the convict goby. i have one and am extremly pleased with him. As an adult it is an awsome fish...:bounce:
try the enginere goby. I know you said no more gobies, but this one doesnt look like your average goby. It is also known as the convict goby. i have one and am extremly pleased with him. As an adult it is an awsome fish...:bounce:

Dont think he's like my substrate to much. It is pretty chunky. The friend that got me into this hobby has one and it moves all his substrate all over his fact it burrys alot of stuff in his tank. His is a monster almost a foot long. Next time i go over there ill try to get a pic but he rarely comes out.

I am still pondering what fish to get, im almost temted to get a six line even tho i have a MD. My MD is hand fed and as long as i make sure hes getting his fill i think he should be alright. I just cant make up my mind. Idk if id like the fact that the six line would eat my bristle worms either because i count on those buggers to clean up the left over food...decisions decisions...
Dont think he's like my substrate to much. It is pretty chunky. The friend that got me into this hobby has one and it moves all his substrate all over his fact it burrys alot of stuff in his tank. His is a monster almost a foot long. Next time i go over there ill try to get a pic but he rarely comes out.

I am still pondering what fish to get, im almost temted to get a six line even tho i have a MD. My MD is hand fed and as long as i make sure hes getting his fill i think he should be alright. I just cant make up my mind. Idk if id like the fact that the six line would eat my bristle worms either because i count on those buggers to clean up the left over food...decisions decisions...
WOW mine is no where near that size but I have only had it for a year or less. It doesnt bury anything either. But it does move alot of my sand
His is over 4 years old and is HUGE, but you rarely see the whole fish. Just usually his head.

Ive pretty much boilded it down to a few fish Think ill start a new thread and get peoples opinions on which one to buy.