fish supply in 55gal


newbie reefer
Right now i have 2 clowns, a dotty back, and a sally lightfoot crab. I would like to get a small tang as well. Since cromis' are small, could i get a couple as well? I've read get about 5 fish, or 1 per 10 gal..:sfish:
2 or 3 (Chromis viridis) would be great additions to your tank, but I would hold off on the tang. Tangs are built for swimming long distances while constantly grazing for algae & what ever else they like to eat. To put one in anything less than a 90 gallon would be like forcing you to live in your bathroom, day in & day out. I do suggest that if you've just GOT TO HAVE ONE, get one that belongs to the Ctenochaetus or "Bristletooth" family as they stay relatively small (5" - 6").
I agree with Chuck; the tang family needs a giant tank.
Felix-You've been in saltwater for 10 years? Awesome.
As you know, that of 1 fish per 10 gallons rule isn't always accurate. It depends on how mature your tank is, what type of filtration you have and the fish that are involved.
Tangs are a big ol' fish that need lots of swimming room, just something to consider; there are a few that have a 70 gal min. you can check out on liveaquia. But, yeah, they need fed a few times a day and lots of algae, not sure how long yours has been set up.
I really, really, want to eventually, after getting my 60 going for a while, get a Kole Yellow Eye tang. But, I know that day is a long time away :)
I think for the most part, those of us with tanks under 90 should stick with other varieties.
I'm sure others will chime in....
I would pass over the tang, yes they could live in a 55 but they do so much better in a larger tank.

But a couple of chromis would do awesome in your tank, i have 3 and just adore them. They also school with the clowns which is great!
I know I've heard of the tang police and all, lol but what about this. If I was to buy a smal 1-2" yellow tang and once he has matured take him to my LFS for something else?
Haha i love that last post! I know your not suppose to do it, and I asked my LFS their opinions and they told me they do it, but as long as you have other plans for moving the fish its ok. :-D
I know I've heard of the tang police and all, lol but what about this. If I was to buy a smal 1-2" yellow tang and once he has matured take him to my LFS for something else?
Eh, why get attached to a fish that you're going to have to give away? Plus, you have no clue who the LFS will then sell him to, maybe he'll end up in a even smaller tank. There are lots of cool fish that will be happy in your 55 and you can keep them their whole lives and not just for 6 months to a year. Plus, yellow tangs are soooo last year. :) Like Ug boots and bump-its. Be different and grab a cool fairy wrasse or weird little goby instead and then you can post pics on here with pride and not have to worry about the Tang Gestapo breaking down your door!
Haha i love that last post! I know your not suppose to do it, and I asked my LFS their opinions and they told me they do it, but as long as you have other plans for moving the fish its ok. :-D
Of course your LFS said to do it, they want to sell fish. And they don't care. Mine told me to buy 2 chromis (chromises?) to cycle my tank. And to feed flake food. And to use tap water. Do they always know what they are talking about? No. Does Little Fish? Yes. Do I like to ask myself questions and then answer them? Yes. Oh well, you asked, we answered, do what you will my friend.
lol right i understand with getting attached to the fish(es). This may sound atrocious but when I first started out I kept a yellow tang in my 35 gallon and didn't know any better. He lasted two years until I moved, and neglected my tank. (RIP Issa) But to me he did not seem threatened, however I'm sure he was yelling at me saying, you idiot, get ME OUTTA HERE! Oh and he lost his Bump-it, after year 1! :-D
Could I add 3 blue/green chromis, and later add one more small goby or something?
I have now
2 clowns
1 dotty back
1 sally lightfoot crab
Or should i stick to two chromis? I wouldn't think they would add much to my bio-load..
I think you would be fine adding the 3 chromis and another goby down the road, but i would wait a good few months between the addition of the chromis and the goby. I would also stick with 3 chromis, im afraid you only put in two one will get harassed to death by the other. You still might have that issue with 3, but i think the chances are better. Try and get them all about the same size too
Keep the Chromis in odd numbers, that seems to lessen their changes of aggression. I'm going to agree with what others posted, and suggest that you stay away from tangs in a 55. I think many of the tank minimums are overly generous. I have a Hippo and and a Sailfin in my tank, and some days they just seem cramped, even in a 6 ft tank. I know the yellow is smaller than a sailfin generally speaking, but I think a 4ft tank is just too small for them
Well i got 3 chromis last night, and after i acclimated them, and after regrouping in the tank, the 2 clowns and dottyback let them know who was boss. The Chromis took to the opposite side of the tank. This morning when i checked on them, I only saw one of them. Hopefully there hiding. :-o