

Reefing newb
What exactly is a head of frogspawn. I have one that is splitting but i was wondering if each one is not considered a head until it has its own skeleton.
Any idea how long it usually takes a head to split? My frogspawn originally had 3 heads/mouths. Now one of the heads has 2 mouths with a clear line between them. Its been that way for at least 2 months, but doesn't show any signs of wanting form a skeletal division.
I gotta agree with Reef to.

Dave,It can take a head of FS any where from 2 months to 2 years to completely split.Just depends on how fast it wants to grow.

This was only three heads when I got it. Now it`s about 20 heads.
I like that pink one. Mine is green, with three heads, and one of them is splitting also, just as you described, with 2 mouths and a line separating them.