Gobys in 12g


Reefing newb
Would it be fine to put a Goby into my 12g? I was thinking of putting 2 Gobys, a couple shrimp, a clean up crew, and some soft coral in the tank. Is this too much? Any thoughts?

Thank you.
nothing specific about the pair. Most gobies will pair up with a postol shrimp. Its just a good combo for a 12 or 8g tank. Yasha gobies are really popular becuase they are just neat.
What do you mean by 'you shrimp' Are you a shrimp rasict? heh jk

ummmmm Good question. Pistol shrimp do enjoy a meaty meal (as most shrimp do) so I would say yes. But in a 12g I would only do the gobie and shrimp anyways. Easier to take care of that way.
Yeah mistype.

There ia a Citron Goby the LFS and I am tempted to get it. It looks really cool. Anything I should do before I buy it? Should I ask them to feed it if I was going to get it? The price was 20 dollars? Any comments on the price?

Thanks for the help!!!!
Clown gobies are cool. Have always been a favorite of mine. They don't get very large though.... And kinda unactive.... If it was me id get bored. Just me though.

20 bucks seems a little high for it. Depending on the area..
yasha can be kind of shy... There are some cool sand sifting gobies that are cool... Are you stuck on gobies? You could try a pair of small clowns.. or or do a shroom haven. Iv always wanted to try that. Get a bunch of shrooms and throw them in a blender... Just hit the button once and shred em, then throw em in the 12g and see if they grow all over the place!!
I could go for other fish but Gobys seem cool. I have seen some that have cool personalities. But I guess that would depend on the individual fish. Are you serious about the mushroom haven? Would that really work?
iv heard that it would... others say it wouldnt... only way to find out is to try... im growing out my shrooms for it one day :)
idk if this would work, but look at bleenies, look like gobies body shape wise, and have way more personality. but since gobies rely on the stuff that grows in your sand bed to live, i would wait a couple of months to let it all build up
I can't really recommend any sandsifting gobies for such a small tank.They consume the fauna(copepods etc.) that live the sandbed.Maybe one that is consuming frozen mysis will do alright but I wouldn't risk it.Two gobies can go together if bought as a mated pair.I've seem many mated pairs w/ pistol shrimp sold online.