Good Deal?


can i put whtever i want?
I found a local deal where this guy is selling his 125g tank with oak stand for $400.

The tank is acrylic, but does come with lighting set up with l.e.d lunar lights. 3 power heads for circulation, 2 pumps,and 2 heaters.

Add to that 125 pounds of cured live rock! I dont reall know to much about larger tanks, but is this a good deal??
I would say that it is a good deal IF you look at it, and it's not all scratched up. If there are only a few small scratches, then go for it.
Where exactly do you live? Where is this tank? What's the guys phone number?

I be all over that -- like stink on :pooh:
heck yes! even if the tank is scratched. acrylic can be buffed out. like reefreak said, the rock will cost you that much! does it come with live sand too?
um...if you don't take it, I will and I can sell it for parts and get about $1500. buy it...Buy it.....BUY it....BUY IT!!!!!

-Dr Marco :sfish: