Green Glass


Reefing newb
I get green sheen on the inside of the tank seems like every two days. What causes this and way to slow it down?
As far as why...well could be a lot of things. Old lights, water parameters, flow, no refugium, not enough snails, not filtered water on top off or made water, list goes on. Need more info.
Very well could be, but every two days sounds about normal.
If it is excessive, could be excess phosphates and the cause could be a number of things. But if that was the case I think there would likely be other more pressing algae issues like hair algae for instance. Many people would kill to just have some green dust on the glass every couple days. :)
Totally agree. I know I had a bunch of dust algae when one of my bulbs on my old tank needed to be changed. If thats the only issue then a total bonus.
Thanks guys......Some times its every other day....some times its every three days...basic params test good. i have a magnetic scrubber. and yes small hair algae since i got bad food and killed my foxface. also cheato is shrinking since i added a bigger sump.