Growing on Rock


Reefing newb
Can you guys/ladies tell me what this is growing on the live rock in my tank? They are kinda tubelike but hard. If I hit them with a stick breaks off.



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Vermetid snail tubes.
Well actually their a worm,but,,,
Fairly harmless unless their webs cause your corals to stay closed.
Thanks Yote!

My daughter has been asking me about these things for weeks. I can finally tell her what they are.
I've also seen some of the webs around the tank and I agree they are kinda annoying. I've been adding Selcon to the tank and I saw another user on the internet questioning if the use of it was the reason for the explosion of Vermetid snail tubes in the tank. I'm going to lay off of the Selcon for awhile and see if they start disappearing.