

Reefing newb
Confused and dissapointed today as my bi colour blenni decided it didn't like my blue damsel and ate it ???? Not been an issue for weeks and all of a sudden it did that

Any ideas would be great

well blennies and damsels are both territorial, maybe the blenny was feeling the damsel was threatening to over take the blennys territory and he wasn't going to take it. just an idea maybe. lol
I wouldn't get damsels. They are mean and aren't cool enough to make the aggression worth it. What else do you have in your tank? Having more damsels will seriously hamper your future stocking choices.
I have my bi colour blenni which has really settled in well 2 clown fish 2 red legged hermit crabs and 5 snails 2 giant turbo 2 turbo and a sand shifter
I wouldn't mix clowns and damsels. Your tank is 50 gallons so you want to make your last 2 fish selections carefully. Damsels get territorial and HUGE. A 50 gallon is just not large enough to combat their aggression.
Sure, have you checked out banggai cardinals or dwarf angels? Lots of fun, beautiful fish with better temperments than those damsels. Basslets, gobies, pseudochromis. Check out for some awesome ideas.